School in September

Dear Friends

June 4, 2020

What’s School going to look like in September?

There is a short answer: No one knows, but lots of people are working on possible scenarios.

There are so many unknowns at this point, what happens with the virus between now and then will really be the guide. We know that all School Divisions across the province are collaborating and they are working on details for three possible scenarios. Which scenario that is chosen will depend on the current Alberta Health Services and Provincial Minister of Education directions.

Scenario one is normal operations and hours. This would be far from normal of course but this is one of the scenarios being contemplated

Scenario two is like a staggered operation and hours. A combination of reducing the total amount of students in the schools at any one time. Like shifts, or off days, to achieve fewer people in the building as the desired outcome.

Scenario three is like what they are doing now, a delivery of education online.

When will we know? I think it would be pretty logical to assume that some kind of decision will have to be made in early August, at the latest.

Our Superintendent has asked for the Locals input on what cleaning schools would look like in each scenario. Everyone agrees that our current processes for cleaning schools during a pandemic will have to be adjusted. Everyone agrees that you can’t cut staff one day and then ask them to ramp up their cleaning the next. Everyone sees that it’s not reasonable to ask a custodian or a custodial assistant to do pandemic cleaning as well as all of our regular work. We will keep you updated on how that develops.